Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Little Graduate

Thursday my Alissa graduated from Salem Little Saints preschool. Of course this was the same night that Kristen had her final vocal music concert and Eric had to take his ASE tests. So my Dad took Kristen to her concert for us and he told me she did great. Christopher and myself went with Alissa to her graduation. They had the place decorated with 2008 stuff and they made a framed collage of pictures for each kid to take home at the end of the night. We had a potluck dinner. I helped Christopher with his plate and let Alissa take care of her own when she got back to the table food was mounded on her plate. I was surprised the plate held up under the weight. Then the ceremony began and the kids put on their little felt hats. They sang songs and received their diploma's. The whole thing was very cute and Alissa loved it. Now she can't wait for summer to be over so she can go to kindergarten. Kristen on the other hand is quite ready for summer and to her it will be over to quickly. I am putting up a couple of pictures the woman is Alissa's teacher Miss Leah and the other little girl is her best friend from school Autumn.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

We spent the day with Eric's family in Lincoln. We had a lot to celebrate not only was it mother's day but Eric's brother Alan graduated. We are all very proud. The kids had all kinds of fun playing with their cousins and I am sure left quite a mess for Alan and Rachel, sorry. They of course did not want to leave and did their normal whine and complain but at least they didn't throw any fits so we went home without any casualties. The day before Eric took me shopping and spoiled me rotten and I loved every minute of it. I got the new Ipod touch, dance revolution for our playstation and the complete series of sex in the city. I was a happy woman. It was a very nice weekend.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Iron Man

Christopher has been seeing the commercials for the Ironman movie on tv and when ever he does he shouts"ironman, ironman, ironman". So we decided Sunday afternoon to take the family and go see that movie. This is the first movie Christopher has seen in the theatre since he was a small infant. We got the kids their own little popcorn and soda and it started off well. About a quarter of the way though the movie Christopher ran out of snacks and got antsy. I decided to take him to the snack bar to try to keep him quiet so we had a chance at watching the rest of the movie. Then the smell hit me. He is potty training and I made him go right before the movie but it apparently wasn't enough and he had pooped his pants. Of course it had leaked from his underpants onto his shorts also and I didn't bring anything with me. So we went into the rest room and using a ton of paper towls cleaned him up wrapped his underpants in papertowls, washed out his shorts in the sink so he could go commando the rest of the movie. Then we got him some twizzlers and rejoined our family. I guess I should have put him in pull ups but he hasn't ever had an accident in public until now. We plan to take the girls to see the new Narnia movie in a couple of weeks Christopher is staying with Grandpa Phil.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back Home

Thursday Eric started a new job. He is now working at Steffy's. So far it seems to be going well. He seems to like the people there. The first couple of days kept him nice and busy hopefully they'll keep him that way. I know that he is happy to be done with Schrier and the long commute. Since he's working in town now he's been able to help me get Kristen to school. That is wonderful since it saves me getting the little two up and dressed early. Plus we get to see each other at lunch now, which has just been weird but great. It's been 9 years since he worked in town and it's good to have him back.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Husband Survey

Well I guess Rachel decided to share the love and tag me so here it goes

What is your husbands name? Eric
How long have you been married? 13 years this fall.
Who eats more sweets? He does
Who said I love you first? I did
How old is he? Just turned 34
Who is taller? He is 6'2" I'm only 5'2"
Who is smarter? Toss up depends on what it's about. He can figure out how anything works and fix it and put it together. I'm more common sense and money matters.
Who can sing better? Maybe me not sure really it's close.
Who pays the bills? I do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
Who mows the lawn? He does, I help sometimes
Who cooks dinner?Usually me
Who drives? He does
Who kissed who first? He kissed me.
Who asked who out? He asked me out
Who has more siblings? He beats me. He has 4, I have 2
Who wears the pants? Both
What is his "Love Language"? Words of Affirmation (love language 30 second test)
That was a cute little blurb into us so I guess it's my turn to "tag" someone.
I tag Sheri and Liz